cookieChoices = {}; PPTwale: CONFLICT | Meaning | Sources | Resolution techniques | Types of conflicts | OB BBA 3rd sem | ppt

CONFLICT | Meaning | Sources | Resolution techniques | Types of conflicts | OB BBA 3rd sem | ppt


Meaning of Conflict: 
                          The term conflict may mean different things to different persons. It may be regarded as the disagreement or hostility between individuals or groups in an organization. It may even viewed as the perception of disagreement in the individuals.
                                     Thus, conflict is defined as a clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitude, understandings, interests, requirements and sometimes perception. A conflict results in hated arguments, physical abuse and definitely loss of people and harmony.

 Different Sources 

1. Competition for limited resources
2. Diversity of goals
3. Task interdependence
4. Differences in values and perception
5. Organizational ambiguities
6. Introduction to change
7. Nature of communication
8. Aggressive nature of people

Resolution Techniques oConflict :

            Behaviour of the parties concerned will be either Assertive or Unassertive for conflict resolution. For example, if concern of self is high, the behaviour will be assertive and if concern for self is low, the behaviour will be unassertive. Similarly, if concern for other is high, the behaviour during conflict resolution process will be cooperative, if concern for other is low, the behaviour will be uncooperative

The combination of these two dimensions results in four extreme modes and one middle path, is shown in below figure

         When each party to a conflict has low concern for self as well as to other, avoiding work as well as parties to the conflict may either withdraw from the conflict or conceal the incompatibility.

            Withdrawal may be observed when one party leaves the field of conflict so that other party may win by being in sole possession of the goal in dispute. It might also an appropriate approach to use when there is no chance of winning or when disruption would be very costly.

            Concealing the incompatibility is another form of conflict resolution when it is not possible for any party to withdraw from the conflict. In such a case, the conflict may be eliminated by withholding the information from the parties in conflict because of goal incompatibilities. 

When concern for other is high but concern for self is low, accommodating is suitable. The person who is adopting this may feel that conflict resolution outcome is more important to other party or it may result in cordial relationship between the two. Accommodating is also relevant when completing is become too costly for the person who is accommodating. 

Therefore, opting for a lose-win situation after a long run up, the person feels that the accommodating is a better alternative. However to make accommodating effective the other party should show equal generosity to maintain cordial relationship.


When concern for self as well as concern for other are in mid-range, compromising is quite suitable. Compromising is a well accepted mode of resolving conflict, neither a definite loser nor a distinct winner.
                Included here are external or third party’s interventions, plus internal compromise between conflicting parties through both total group and representative negotiation and voting. When the intervention of third parties is there in compromise, the process is known as Mediation, or without the intervention of the external parties the method known as Bargaining.  
           Working with other party to find the solution that would satisfy both the parties. Resolution is arrived at by combining insight of both the parties. 
   There is a win-lose outcome, that is, only one party can win at the cost of the other. The various actions enumerated above may not bring resolution of conflict between parties if they take rigid stand. The parties concerned may settle their score by applying their strength against each other.

Types oConflicts :

1. Interpersonal conflict
2. Intrapersonal conflict
3. Inter-group conflict
4. Intra-group conflict
5. Intra-organizational conflict

6. Inter-organizational conflict

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