cookieChoices = {}; PPTwale: THEORIES OF SELLING | #Sales_management SM | BBA/MBA | AIDAS | SELL | SPIN | ppt

THEORIES OF SELLING | #Sales_management SM | BBA/MBA | AIDAS | SELL | SPIN | ppt

This video consists of the following selling theories :
1. AIDAS ( Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, Satisfaction ) 2. SELL (Show the features, Explain the advantages, Lead into benefits, Let them talk) 3. SPIN ( questions about Situation, Problem, Implications, Need-payoff ) 4. Right set of circumstances (situation respond theory) 5. Buying formula theory (Buying formula process) 6. Behavioral Equation Theory (Drive, Cue, Response, Reinforcement) ( B = P X D X K X V )

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